Understanding your credit card One of the most common mistakes people make with their money is using financial products they don’...
Why every woman should consider Forex Trading as a second income From the dawning of time and through the ages there has been a substantial amount of stigma surround...
Claiming from your spouse’s estate If you are married, it’s important to understand what will happen to your marital property when yo...
Planning for your child’s education Giving your children the education they need to build a successful future is something most parents ...
5 ways to help small businesses survive lockdown Lend a hand with these 5 ways to help small businesses survive lockdown.
5 ways to stay financially fit during a global pandemic In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, people aren’t just fearing for their physical wel...
3 mistakes to avoid when comparing insurance quotes es, you should be getting a few quotes, and comparing the options out there – but you don’t have...
Planning for a baby Are you financially prepared for a being a mom? Samke Mhlongo provides steps that you need to take t...
How to talk to teenagers about money Is it time to talk to your teenager about money? Samke Mhlongo shares the importance of teaching the...
A basic guide to claiming UIF Need to claim from UIF but not sure where to start? Here's a basic guide to claiming UIF to help you...
Understanding your credit score If you’ve been declined for a personal loan or a dream job, it could have something to do with you...
Everything you need to know about debt counselling So, you’re in debt and looking for an affordable and hassle-free way out. If you’re considering ...