You might find yourself being stagnant in your position at work and without the respect you most likely deserve. Take control right now. Get rid of these self-destructive behaviours to make sure you get the most out of your work days.

You never believe you are good enough
You are you own worst enemy. You have a very low level of trust in your own abilities and always doubt that you will successfully complete a task. You may also suffer from anxiety and low self-esteem. Try to remain calm so that you are able to do more with your time instead of worrying.
You always run away from issues
Instead of persevering and dealing with your work you stall, run away. You choose to deal with matters much later or not at all. Stop ignoring problems in order so you can make sure that you don’t have a pile of feelings and issues which you have not confronted.
You can never decide
Making decisions and choices can seem like a daunting task but this is something that we do all the time. To avoid decision clutter in your brain, try minimising the decisions you make on a daily basis, especially the small ones so that you can have a clear mind when the time comes for the big decisions to be made.
You can’t take charge of your time
You always let other people and activities get in the way of your productivity. If you are busy with an important task and a co-worker interrupts for some reason or the other, you comply and put your task on hold. Prioritise the tasks on your to-do list and politely tell co-workers that you are busy and will attend to them once you are done.
You never relax
It is very important to give yourself a time out because overworking your body and mind with no rest or relaxation can be considered sabotage. Always be sure that you eat right and make time to chill out and unwind. This is always necessary and will recharge you.