There are so many movies out there that show a picture of life in varsity. And while it looks exciting, fun and like everything you have ever dreamed of, it is not a thorough representation of reality.
We share some handy tips to prepare for the transition from high school to varsity.
You are now responsible for yourself
Gone are the days when your mother would drag you out of bed and force you to go to school in the morning. The reality of freedom is that it comes with responsibility and discipline. You will have classes as early as 8am; except this time, you will only have your alarm to rely on to wake up. Develop a daily morning routine that you can follow and stick to it.
Your career might take more than just a degree to achieve
In high school, everybody has dreams of becoming a surgeon, an accountant, a lawyer, a professor and many other exciting careers. What is not always taught then, however, is that you will probably have to study further, publish articles, write admission exams and truly pay your dues before you can enjoy the fruits of your dream profession. Make sure that you do adequate research and properly understand the processes that go into your career choice.
Your marks will drop
There are many straight-A over-achievers who go into varsity for the first time and have a breakdown on top of a virtual heart attack when they receive a fail in a test or course. The crucial thing to keep in mind is that failing is not the end of the world and more important than failing, is picking yourself up and doing a better job next time – and there is always a next time. The experience of failure and resilience is a valuable and necessary life skill.
The parties are frequent and wild
Yes, there will be many parties and lots of alcohol. Moderation is key and discipline is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Always be sure that you have attended all your school tasks to avoid feeling guilty about having fun. Also stick with your friends and never take people or places for granted; you cannot trust everyone.
Prioritise your health and have a balance
Be sure that you do not spend all your time doing just one thing – keeping a balance is crucial. Besides studying, you can join a sports or cultural club and hang out with your friends from time to time. After all, besides getting your degree, you’re also here to create an experience, so enjoy and make the best of everything.