She was once called useless by a judge at a singing contest for Idols, but is now a perfect example of how downfall can turn rapidly into a road to success. Raheela Abdool shares her musical journey. Sanlam was so touched by Raheela’s story and gave her the opportunity to work with well-known music producer Ard Matthews to produce the song Good and bad days.
Have you always wanted to sing, and how did this come about?
I have always been passionate about music and singing from a very young age, and dreamt about becoming a musician. Music enables you to express yourself, and share your life experiences and lessons with others.
Is your singing by natural talent or you received some training?
There was no professional training, except singing in the choir in high school. This helped me to work on my voice.
How do you keep your talent on point?
I try to expose myself to as many different genres as possible through listening to music every day, be it hip hop, gospel or R&B. I also sing every day.
What did your experience on Idols teach you?
It made me realise the importance of being prepared – perhaps a bit more vocal training would have made the judges take me seriously. It also showed me how tough the industry is and that you need to be resilient and have a thick skin to survive it.
Tell us about your experience with Sanlam, how has this changed your life?
I’m grateful for the opportunity to showcase my talent. This course helped me regain self-confidence. The team made me feel appreciated and respected as a person. It reminded me to never lose sight of my hopes and dreams.
Please tell us about the song you produced for them.
The song was written and produced by Ard Matthews and is about everyday life and what people go through. It makes you realise that everyone has good and bad days, and lifts your spirit.
You are a human resources graduate, will you continue in this field of work, or pursue a singing career?
Should the opportunity arise, I definitely would be interested in pursuing a career in singing. Ideally, I would like to be able to do both. Regardless of what the future holds, I always remain passionate about music.
Should we be expecting more songs, perhaps an album or EP?
Not at the moment, but who knows what the future may hold…
What advice can you give people who want to sing but fear getting rejected?
You have to believe in yourself, your potential and dream. Don’t allow the opinion of a few people stop you from being the very best you can be. Remain confident in your vocal abilities and keep working on and improving your skills. Don’t be afraid to show your passion to the world.
Where and how can people find out more about you?
My music video and a documentary of my journey have been posted on YouTube and can be viewed below.