Expressing your honest thoughts and opinions is often considered controversial in the working world, as some people may react negatively to this behaviour. However, even though many individuals may find it difficult to speak up in the workplace, it is of paramount importance to participate in a culture of open communication.
What is a speak-up culture?
The employment-focused social media platform LinkedIn shares that a speak-up culture is an environment where colleagues are encouraged to have a voice and feel empowered when sharing their thoughts without fear of retaliation. “When implemented successfully, a speak-up culture breeds innovation, fosters trust among colleagues, and helps build stronger relationships between team members.”
Why is it important to speak up in the workplace?
There are several reasons why you need to say your say – respectfully and professionally – at work. One of the reasons is that you could be the voice of the majority. “Sometimes, workers are intimidated to voice their opinions because they feel like they’re the only ones who feel a certain way,” says Muse, a values-based career platform. “If you voice your opinion, you could give a voice to everyone else. You may have more support than you realise.”
Such support may transform into trust and help to build relationships with your colleagues, something which can often be painted as beneficial. LinkedIn notes that speaking up can foster a deeper sense of respect and transparency throughout the team, create a safe space for all involved and lead to better collaboration and stronger working relationships.
Furthermore, speaking your mind may spark change within the working environment. Muse shares that there is no guarantee that your opinion will be ignored or cast aside. However, it might make a difference. If a difference is made, LinkedIn adds that your verbal actions can lead to creativity and innovation. “When people feel safe sharing their ideas, magic happens. Teams bring forth their diverse perspectives and collaborate, sparking fireworks display of innovation.”
So, when you find yourself in your weekly meetings and you wish to express yourself, remember the above as a way of encouragement.
Also see: How you can benefit from effective communication in the workplace